An Active, More Hands-On Approach to Main Idea

By the time my speech therapy students are in older grades, it can be difficult to change their perspective on reading.  They will say they hate reading, that it is “boring”, and that they are not successful at it.  Consequently, I find that working on...

Just Say No to Multiple Choice Worksheets

We’ve all been there.  It’s a busy week with IEPs and evaluation/re-evaluations galore.  The paperwork is overflowing, you’re feeling sick, and you reach for the pre-printed worksheet.  Maybe it’s one on context clues or complex sentences or...

Another SLP blog?!

I know you’re asking this question.  With everything that’s out there, from SLPNow to TPT materials to all beautiful blogs out there, why add one more? What more can I say that hasn’t been said, done, written already? Well first, let me tell you my...